Learn with us

Dynamic and immersive training delivered by expert practitioners.

is an award winning innovator and service designer with 10 years of experience in design and the third sector. Before founding Doing Good, Laura was Head of Digital and Design at Prince’s Trust International.

Laura’s LinkedIn

Laura Botsford

is a Digital and Communications leader and professional coach with 13 years of experience in not-for-profit, including UNICEF UK, Action for Children, Cancer Research UK and Sands.

Samantha’s LinkedIn

Samantha Doe

Client Testimonials

  • Laura and Samantha were such a great team and you can tell they are really passionate about what they’re teaching. After doing this course I definitely feel more comfortable in my own workplace to conduct user research!

    - User research course attendee

  • We had a challenging group of digital and non-digital experts in the midst with varying degrees of UX knowledge and Laura was able to cater to both seamlessly. We not only felt it was a great learning opportunity for the team, but the group activities meant it was also a great team building exercise.

    - Private cohort client

  • I just wanted to say a big thank you for the workshop last week – the feedback from the team has been overwhelming positive and they all felt it was the perfect approach to bridge the gap between those more digitally-minded and not.

    - Private workshop

Doing good user research

A foundation in user research for anyone who wants to better understand their users and improve their services, products, programmes or campaigns.

Perfect for anyone in charities or the public sector looking to deepen their understanding of their users and audiences, or for teams looking to develop user research skills in-house that they can immediately put into practice.

October-November 2024

Doing good innovation

A foundation in design thinking and innovation for anyone who wants to develop new propositions, services or processes. This course is only for non-profits and public sector workers.

Register your interest to be notified when course places go on sale.

Next cohort in early 2025

Doing good service design

A foundation in service design and improvement for anyone who wants to develop, assess or improve their service offering. This course is only for non-profits and public sector workers.

Register your interest to be notified when course places go on sale.

Next cohort in early 2025


  • We’ve designed our course to be highly interactive, and each session involves working through activities in small groups. You’ll get the most out of it if you’re able to participate, so we encourage participants to join all sessions where possible. If you’ll miss one, you can still access all the materials but we won’t be recording the sessions themselves.

  • Our weekly workshops will be held online, over Zoom. We’ll be using Mural to collaborate and work through activities. Our resource library is hosted on Trello, and our community of practice lives on a Slack workplace.

  • For multiple team members we offer a discounted rate. We also offer bespoke training packages for teams - just get in touch.

  • This course has been designed to give you a step by step foundation in user research, and is much more valuable to one individual than split up among a team. Places are per individual - if you’re interested in training for multiple team members, contact us for a discounted rate or a bespoke cohort.

  • We offer a limited number of discounted places for small charities, marginalised and underrepresented groups, and women on maternity leave. Just drop Laura an email to find out more - laura@doinggood.ltd